Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 226 Enough Snacks Around To Feed A City!

Exercise: no exercise today.  : (  Meeting after work, dental appointment and dinner after that. I hate when I make excuses! I'm sure I could have at least done some weights in front of the T.V.

My school is the Queen of rewarding people with food. Granted, they have very good intentions! This proves work is the culprit of "the extra 5 pounds!" You are already stressed and a bit tired. You come to work to find sugar, sugar, and more sugar. A moist chocolate muffin here, some salty chips there, a cookie or two. Snacking like this everyday can really add up the calories. If you don't have your own healthy snacks it is difficult to fight the sugar temptation. Heck, even if you do have your snacks it is hard not to partake in the goodies. They are around every corner. Check this out:

Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal in vanilla soy milk, 1 boiled egg with 1/2 the yolk, green tea
Snack: apple slices
Early Lunch: peanut butter sandwich, raspberry tea
Snack: peanut butter crackers (packaged item)
Later lunch: grilled chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato and mayo.
Snack: unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soy milk, 1/2 cup cereal in soy milk
Dinner: salmon on a bed of lettuce, corn, greenbeans, water, few walnuts


  1. Trish, I would also find it really hard to resist if those treats were always around me. I love sugar and desserts and I know a big reason I am able to stay away from them most of the time is because I keep them out of the house and we rarely have sweets hanging around at work (and my husband also tries to minimize sweets so that helps, too).

    Be strong! Your will power muscle will get stronger each time you say, "No!"

  2. Laurie,
    Thanks for the encouragement! You are so right! It has gotten easier to say no and avoid the temptation. I can walk by the treats now many times, but not always when I'm hungry. In the past I just had to have any and all chocolate that surrounded me. I'll be strong!
