Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 85 Near Car Crash

Exercise: Weights and Elliptical machine at Ballys.
I returned from the gym today to find our home was nearly driven into.

Excitement of the day was when a teenager lost control of his jeep, drove it up the curb onto our front yard all the way into our bushes. Luckily, he stopped about 5 inches from our dining room windows as my husband watched from another room. Close call, but no damage to our home and the driver was okay. Christmas miracle.

Breakfast: left over 1/2 tuna sandwich, plum green tea
Snack: raspberries
Lunch: left over glutten free lasagna with extra lean turkey meat, water, salad with 12 avacado and tomato
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with soy milk, 2 biscuts with butter left over from the company. RATS!
Later snack: plum green tea, orange
Dinner: 1/2 salmon, sweet potatoes, greenbeans and mixed veggies, water, buttered wheat bread slice.

Had more lasagna, but ate it before taking the photo.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm. Your salad looks good. I went out and bought some apple cider vinegar & feta to add to my salads. I already had all the other stuff at home so I made "Vince's salad" last night.
