Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 84 Christmas Day!

Exercise: Walked one mile with Mom and Pops (visiting from Corpus Christi) at Memorial Park. Way to cold, damp and misty. Vince and I jogged about 15 minutes in our neighborhood this evening until my knee hurt again.

Had a difficult time eating well today. So many delicious non-healthy items in the fridge and so many people enjoying them all!

Breakfast: one biscut, corn tortilla, boiled egg wth mixed greens, plum green tea, bits of my sisters bean tamales.
Snack: water, raspberries, couple apple slices.
Snack: Starbucks tall hot chocolate with whipcream.
Lunch: tuna sandwich with a salad on the side (tuna had lots of mayo mixed in, onions, egg, walnuts)
Snack: part of a cupcake
Dinner: Tuna Sandwich, one bean tamale, water

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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