Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 80 Christmas Rush At the Mall

Exercise: Going to Ballys to workout this evening. Plan to do weights and bike or elliptical machine. Can't wait for my spin class tomorrow!

Really?....20 minutes to find a parking spot! It is nuts out there. Been cooped up at home last several days. Good to get out, but amazed at all the rush and crowds. Finally I just parked at Ballys across the street from the mall and parked there. Easy and about a 1 minute walk.

Breakfast: One corn tortilla, one egg, green tea, grapes, cherries
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with soy milk
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, avacado on mixed greens, spices, water
Dinner: chick fil a sandwich from the mall. Came home and at a 2 carrot cake cupcakes from last night. Soy milk.

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