Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 75 Last Day Before Christmas Vacation!

I made it to this day! What a whirlwind of a week! Our staff cookie exchange was today. People make cookies and share with others. Cookies fill an entire room. It's a cookie feast. I enjoyed a few different ones myself. Not the healthiest day today!

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas, one egg, green tea.
Snack: apple sauce
Lunch: At a meeting off campus. The district brought in Mexican food for us. One fajita chicken in tortilla, beans, and rice, corn chips, a bit of salsa and queso. A delicious filling not so healthy lunch. Loved it!
Snack: Back at work and had some of those cookies.
Dinner: Subway sandwich, but put the meat etc in a tortilla because the bread got soggy.
Snack: chocolate chips!

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