Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 76: 5 Mile Walk

Exercise: Walked 5 Miles

Nice to get out to the park again! Cool, crisp air. Missed the sunshine though. We walked 5 miles. Really wanted to run, but worked hard to ignore the tempation. Trying to wait another week or so before I pick it back up again. Can't wait until next Thursdays Spin Class again! Have to miss Tuesday for an event. Bummer.

Didn't eat well today! Just wanted to veg out and eat everything in sight! First day of vacation temptations I guess.

Breakfast: 1 corn tortilla, one egg, green tea
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with soy vanilla milk
Lunch: About 3 slices of homemade bread someone made me with lots of butter, chocolate chips, toffee chips, salmon patty, broccoli and mixed veggies, water
Dinner: Broke down and bought a frozen dinner! Been maybe over 7 years since I've had a frozen dinner! I just don't think packaged foods are healthy. We shopped for groceries very late tonight and I was hungry.
Snack: about to have some cherries and grapes

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