Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 82 Tantalizing Temptations Avoided

Grocery shopping @ three different stores for Christmas Eve company.
HUNGRY! Mistake. Chaotic traffic. Honking horns. Nuts out there.

Shopping for ingredients for our Christmas Eve dinner. I have relatives coming that refuse to eat veggies, my hubby who only eats glutten free, a Dad who is on low sodium and heart healthy foods, but eats poorly anyway, and then there is me who is trying to just do better. Not sure how to cook for that kaleidoscope. Details tomorrow!

Chocolate, breads, cheeses...3 of my favs! 
Craved a Snickers and
Hershey with almonds.
Did NOT purchase.  : )

I could smell the baked goods!
Did NOT purchase.  : )

Cheeses calling  my name!
Did Not purchase.
I was proud of myself for not purchasing or sampling the scrumptious treats, but I failed to avoid a chocolate and vanilla yogurt swirl from my last pit stop, Costco.

Costco was my third
stop. Too hungry to
bypass the goodies.
Breakfast: wheat tortilla with almond butter, grapes, green tea
Snack: no sugar hot chocolate with soy milk.
Lunch: 2 corn tortillas with canned chicken mixed with mayo, mixed greens. Yes,    
Snack: What you see in the pic..yogurt that tastes more like ice-cream.
Dinner: TBA

Hoping to do the Jillian workout on DVD this evening. Still need to finish laundry, sweep all floors and mop the kitchen and baths not to mention clean the kitchen and baths.

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