Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 83 Christmas Eve

Exercise: Ran with my brother in our neighborhood this evening. Cold, but exhilerating. Enjoyed running again after some time. Made it 19 minutes and then felt the knee pain again. Walked the rest. I know I need to stay off of it 2 months, but who can do that? Brother came in from Dallas. Nice visit.

It has been a couple days so I'll do my best to remember all I ate.
Breakfast: corn tortilla, boiled eggs with mixed greens, green tea.
Snack: Don't remember. Probably some desserts.
Lunch: Tuna sandwich (I was making them for family coming to watch the football game)
Christmas Eve Dinner: Glutten free lasagna with extra lean turkey meat and low sodium mushroom tomato sauce, way too much ricotta and cheese, mixed veggies, salad with lots of good stuff and olive oil, water. couple sips of wine.
Snack: My sisters fudge, pretzle cookies, more fudge.

I forgot that my brother in law doesn't eat turkey! Woops. He ate the tamales my mom brought. Very fattening!
Green Tea! My Favorite!

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