Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 62: ALERT! The Cereal Causes .........!!

How do I say this? Hmmmm, I'll just say it. Beware of the new cereal I bought. It causes all day GAS and a bloating feeling. I guess they are right when they claim you will feel full. I still feel uncomfortable the next day.

Ate cereal yesterday morning
and the night before as a small

Breakfast: Back to my same ol' 2 corn tortillas, one boiled egg, green tea

Out of spinach so I used mixed greens.
Also always put a bit of olive oil and a
little salt since we don't really eat much
Craving a hamburger so I made my own.
Lunch: hamburger: patty, cheese, mixed greens, red onions, olives. (no dressing). whole grain bread.
no sugar hot chocolate with vanilla soy milk.

Snack: lollipop from the haircut place. Great Clips...always $13.99. Why spend more?
Dinner: Salad: asparagus, sweet potato, greens, 1/2 avacado, walnuts, chicken, fetta cheese, olive oil and spices. 1/2 small orange.
No sugar hot chocolate with vanilla soy milk.


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