Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 61: Ate The Cereal/Holiday Snacks

Exercise: Walk/jogg 3 miles at Memorial Park later this evening. More walking. My leg is acting funny. My entire shin bone seems to ache a bit when I run. Could it be a tiny stress fracture? Am I becoming a hypochondriac concerned about injuries all the time?? What's with that!!??

Breakfast: Yes, I ate the cereal after all! Vanilla soy milk and raspberries.
Snack: small orange, too many Ritzs crackers
Lunch: 1/2 almond butter sandwich, lentil soup from yesterday, Greek yogurt with 1/2 a pear, raspberry tea
Snack: too many Ritz crackers
Dinner: Before our run: cup of lentil soup, 2 corn tortillas with cheese (yikes).
              Late Dinner: sweet potatoes, 1/2 salmon, asparagus (bought lots of asparagus!)

Yummy snacks for the staff. Only had
1/2 of a piece of brownie cake.
Late Dinner. If I eat too
early I tend to eat again.
Need to get better at my
snacks after work

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