Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 51: Baking Biscuts with Kindergarteners

Yes, I caved! Ate some sort of peach cobbler treat that was offered at work....and the desserts begin.
Really need to think twice before eating all the goodies!

Kiddos learning how to make butter just like the pilgrims did. Cool stuff. Kinder teachers are AMAZING!

The smell was captivating! I wanted to
shove 2 in my mouth at once.
Withstood the temptation to eat one!

 Breakfast: blueberry waffles with walnuts on top and a bit of blue agave, 1/2 a bannana.
Snack: an apple
Lunch: tuna sandwich on whole grain rounds, very few walnuts, lettuce and tomato salad with olive oil, the "bad" hot chocolate with sugar.
Snack: Darn peach cobbler thing and one dove chocolate bite
Dinner: Salmon, greenbeans, broccoli

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