Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 44 Feeling Blue

Feel a little blue today. Seem to not have time to make creative recipes or workout. Beginning to feel the difference in my energy level. Need to take time to get organized again. Plan to hit the gym at least for 30 minutes tomorrow. Can't wait! So much to do tomorrow though. Stressing a bit.

Breakfast: boiled egg, 2 corn tortillas, green tea, 2 apple slices.
Snack: part of an apple, small bag of M&Ms. (I notice i make bad choices in food when I stop exercising).
Lunch: quinoa, 1/2 salmon, mixed veggies, water
Dinner: homemade chicken soup, broccoli, quinoa, water, hot chocolate with no sugar, raspberries with yogurt for dessert.

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