Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 48: Olive Garden Celebration

No Exercise today...tummy upset

Breakfast: boiled egg, corn tortilla, spinach leaves, green tea
Snack: almond butter sandwich, vanilla soy milk ( 1 cup)
Lunch: OLIVE GARDEN. Late Lunch.
Dinner: Vince and I went to Starbucks. Got a soy tall hot chocolate and a couple bite's of Vince's banana bread (even though I hate bannanas!) Popcorn. Not hungry tonight.

We shared the pizza. Mushrooms,
onions, Italian sausage, tomato

2 breadstick, salad with no dressing,
but olive oil on the side.

Not in the mood for dessert at all, but
ate it since it was my very belated
birthday celebration.
 Vince usually makes popcorn on the stove and adds great
spices, but we actually bought some "packaged" popcorn
for once. Yikes! Didn't like it.
Evening snack while watching a
movie with my hubby.

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