Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 36: Georgia's Farm to Market: LOVE IT

LOVE eating at Georgia's (off I 10 just after Dairy Ashford going East). Check it out!

Amazing Produce!

Great sit down area with lots of food to
choose from. Salad bar, omlette area,
hot foods, soups, breads, desserts,
Xylitol is a natural sweetner  that
even protects your teeth.

After church we scurried off to eat at
Georgia's. It is one of my hubby's favorite places.
They promote healthy foods and have an area
where you can eat all the great foods in a buffet
setting. I had to have a little macaroni!

We LOVE the different teas. Someone brings
different teas on a cart to your table and makes
the tea for you. It is made in the large container.
Then you put that container over your glass and it
pours the tea for you. Very cool and fun.

They even have live music there at lunch time. 
Old timey type of music.

Haven't been exercising lately due to a cough,
but did a bit of ladder climbing that I may be able
to count as exercise. We start painting tomorrow
after work. That will be my exercise during the week.

There are lots of bins with oatmeal and other healthy snacks.
My husband never wants to be in my blog, so I shot a
secret photo of him.   : )


Can't wait to get back into the gym or jog at the park. Maybe in a few days I'll have time for that again. Plan to really watch my eating this week since I'm not burning too many calories.

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