Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 32 Healthy Lunch and Dinner

Cough...cough..cough....  Hoping I don't make it worse by walking at the park later this evening. Just walking and not running. Plan to walk the 3 miles at Memorial Park.
Lunch: Salmon with spices, sweet potato
and frozen broccoli with olive oil and
salt/pepper/oregeno, small orange,

Breakfast: boiled egg, green tea, few green apple slices
Snack: couple bites of carrot, rest of apple slices
Lunch: see pic
Snack: hazelnuts, one bite size snickers candy from the
           assistant principal's office. BUMMER!
Snack: sugar free hot baking chocolate with
                    vanilla soymilk. Yum.
Dinner: plan to make the lettuce, tomato, asparagus,
           sweet potato salad again.

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