Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 204 Try Smoothies As a Fun Healthy Treat!

Exercise: Ran 3 miles at Memorial Park and walked 2 miles. Ran part of the 4th mile off and on, but my hip kept hurting. Will work back up to 4 miles soon.

Ever enjoy smoothies on a hot day? Love strawberry smoothies. Must watch what you add to them. Most have some added sugar in the syrup. Better to make your own at home with yogurt and fruit. Great for breakfast, snacks or an on the run dinner. Be sure to have some type of protein on the side such as a few nuts. Remember, protein fills you up and keeps you from getting hungry quickly.
Click smoothie recipes.
Click: Smoothie Web

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1/4 oatmeal (not instant), small orange, green tea.
Snack: apple slices, one bite of a biscut with sausage
Lunch: salmon, mixture of quinoa, black beans, corn, tomatoes, red onion.
Lunch 2!: Teacher brought in lunch and treats! Ground beef with tomatoes, avacados, and 2 big BROWNIES! The stress of testing got to me.  : ( I caved in.
Snack: chicken sandwich with Mayo on multi-grain bread
Dinner: Ate very late. Bran cereal, small orange, ham and cheese sandwich on multi-grain bread/dry, water

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