Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 193:

Exercise: Wanted to try a new weight class at Ballys, but got home pretty late. Ended up running 3 miles at Memorial Park in the evening. Great run. Did well on time.
Click: Burn Metabolism Faster

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs (2 whites/1 yolk), 1/4 cup oatmeal, swig of green tea, some frozen blueberries, swig of water.
Snack: apple, few raw almonds
Lunch: dry ham sandwich on multi-grain bread, little Greek plain yogurt with pineapples, cheesestick, plum, water
Snack: rest of the apple slices, rest of the almonds, cantaloupe wedge
Dinner: (too tired to cook) Ham sandwich with little mayo! Rats! Vanilla soymilk with no sugar cocoa.
Snack: little chicken on bed of lettuce, 1 grapefruit
Lots of breakfast. Hard to eat.

Lunch packed for work. Didn't eat the tomatoes after all.

Late night snack.

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