Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 183 Weight Lifting

Exercise: You'd think I'd say weight lifting...no. Just got back from the gym. Went to Spin class with my friend Meredith. 50 minutes on the spin bike. Burned 664 calories!

Okay..that's it. I must make up my mind to workout with weights consistently! Why is that so difficult?
Today is Spin, but I'm hoping to go a bit early and do a weight workout. (well, that didn't happen as I thought it would earlier!) Unless you really want something, there is no motivation to do it. I must want to do weights. I had a couple workout trainers a few years ago and loved it. Easy when someone is at your side pushing you to work hard. Hoping that by writing about using weights, I will actually use them twice a week.

Click: Workout plan to build strength
Click: Weight lifting exercises for women

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas, one boiled egg, mixed greens all in a taco. Green tea
Snack: few apple slices
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, broccoli, peanut butter sandwich on muli-grain bread, water, cucumbers and tomatoes
Snack: cheesestick
After work: ham sandwich with a little mayo (RATS!), tomato, avacado, mixed greens, multi-grain bread
After work out: Got home and at some cookies I bought for work! See pic.
Dinner: TBA
I'm presenting at a meeting for teacher. Bought these as their snack.
I should know better right?! Why didn't I just buy carrots or something?
I don't think they would eat carrots. So I got home and at the Oreo cookies. Bummer!
Haven't even had supper yet.

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