Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 199: Zucchini Brownies

Exercise: Spin class at Ballys for 50 minutes. Burned 664 calories. WooHoo.
Too bad I had lots of DESSERTS today!

I was working off campus today. Didn't make my lunch. Co-worker made the best brownies EVER! Tried a small bite. I was hooked! Had to have more. Ate 2 more servings. Surprised to find out the batch of brownies had not one, but two cups of zucchini in them! Does that make them a vegetable?? Click: Zucchini Brownie Recipe Instead of the oil, she used apple sauce in her recipe. Keep in mind I do not condone this recipe if you are trying to eat healthy. They aren't 100% healthy, but they sure were good. 209 calories. Wow! So I ate just over 418 calories in just 2 small brownies! I really did work out only to burn my desserts. Bummer.

Photo from
 Later I ate a large yellow smiley face cookie at an after school meeting. You would understand why if you knew where they were from. Memorial Bakery! Words can't describe their tastiness. I'm not one for sugar cookies unless they are from Memorial Bakery! Guess I worked so hard at spin class only to burn off those desserts. RATS! Click: Memorial Bakery.

Breakfast: one boiled egg, 1/2 oatmeal (not instant) in vanilla soymilk, green tea, frozen blueberries.
Snack: chocolate brownies.
Lunch: provided by the school district. 1/2 of a chicken salad tortilla wrap with lettuce, tomato, water apple slices
Snack: peanut butter 1/2 sandwich
                                                          Dinner: bean soup with veggies, salmon, water

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