Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 210 Working out with Weights

Exercise: Weights FINALLY! Also did stomach crunches. Planned to workout at Ballys, but ended up doing weights while watching a movie at home.

Breakfast: one boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal (not instant) with vanilla soy milk, green tea, 1/2 grapefruit.
Snack: banana (not my fav), but can eat if I am hungry
Snack 2: Peanut butter crackers while at a meeting! RATS.
Lunch: glutten free pasta with a little mushrooms and zucchini, small piece of chicken, mixed veggies, water.
Snack: peanut butter sandwich
Snack after work:
Dinner: 1/2 salmon on a bed of mixed leafy greens, tomatoes, carrots, water, mixed veggies and an unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soymilk.

Day 209 Made Smoothies At Home

Sunday's Blog

Exercise: Ran/Walked at Memorial Park. Extremely humid out. Began raining on us as well. Nice to cool off. Bad run though. Getting a little nervous since I'm running a 5K next Saturday.

Breakfast: boiled egg in a corn tortilla with avacado slices, green tea
Lunch: chicken, mixed veggies, glutten free pasta with mushrooms and zucchini, small salad with 1/2 carrot
Snack: peanut butter sandwich, water
Late Dinner: Smoothie with pineapples, one orange, organic strawberries, 1 cup yogurt, little vanilla soy milk, ice cubes.
Late late snack: 1/2 ham sandwich in multi grain bread with a bit of Mayo.

The smoothie wasn't my fav. Most likely the mix of fruits. Made a strawberry and blueberry smoothie before and loved it. Also enjoy raspberry smoothies.
Smoothie Ingredients: organic strawberries, pineapple,
oranges, plain Greek yogurt, vanilla soy milk, ice. Blend in

Our lunch.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 208 Free T.V.!

Didn't blog this weekend and am paying the price. Ate random foods here and there. Not sure I can recall all I ate. Hence the reason I try to blog as I eat each meal. This might be a poor recolection of my weekend meals, but I'll do my best.

Exercise: surprise after a week of no exercise.
Spent most of the day manning our garage sale. Made $148.00 + a free 36 inch wide screen tube TV. Yes, I said free. Ever hear of Long story short...the lifespan of our T.V. ended last week. I happend to check my email at 6am on Thursday. To my surprise, someone on freecycle was offering their TV. Running to my computer, I quickly emailed our need for the tv. Hopes high. The reply was that it was already taken. Saturday I received an email from them again stating the person picking up the TV was unable to do so. It was ours for the taking. Vince scurried over there in no time (with the help of the neighborhood teenagers to lift the giant piece). Not only did we get a fabulous tv. but a great tv stand to go along with it. Sure it isn't a flat screen, but that is fine. Now we can watch the news and movies again. I must say, without TV for over a week, I sure did get a lot accomplished.

New TV we got for free

Our old TV
Breakfast: boiled egg, green tea
Snack: peanut butter sandwich, unsweetened hot chocolate in vanilla soy milk
Lunch: ham sandwich with mixed leafy greens, avacado, Mayo.
Snack: bran cereal
Dinner: Salad and desserts seen below.
We were supposed to go eat at the Cheese Cake Factory because I really wanted a slice of cheesecake. Of course they have the BEST cheesecake. Vince and I were both so exhausted from the garage sale. Never make it there. Ended up stopping at Champs (a very casual sportsbar). Ate salads and desserts that really weren't the best. They sure looked good though.
salad with bell peppers, feta cheese,
red onion, tomatoes, olives, egg,

Chocolate cake and turtle cheesecake.
 See what happens when I don't exercise. Easy to fall back into old habits.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 207 Second Grade Healthy Feast!

Exercise: None AGAIN! What is the deal??

Our second grade teachers provided the entire staff with HEALTHY snacks today! Yes, HEALTHY! Fruits, veggies, some cheese, hummus, waters etc. Their students were very much involved too! Kiddos did research on healthy foods and blogged about it on their class blogs. Second grade has worked with the "Oliver Foundation" all year long to incorporate learning about healthy eating and making healthy choices into their studies. What a change this has made in our students!  The unhealthy snacks were even deleted from the student cafeteria line substituting healthy ones. Small steps to a healthier school. Students learn about "My Plate"  (see below) and to exercise as well. So much Health Stuff going on. A big thank you to second grade teachers for always working to promote healthy living!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea
Snack 1: Cheese packaged crackers. Bummer! Water
Snack 2: variety of fruit snacks (pineapple, cantaloupe, grapes), few bits of cheese, 3 small carrots
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich on multi-grain bread, water
Snack: Small orange
Dinner: unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soy milk, salad with avacados, sun dried tomatoes, lettuce, red onions, carrots, litttle chicken, water
Snack: 1/2 cheese sandwich, water

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 206

Exercise: None again. Went to a funeral after work. So tired now from testing kiddos all week. Been couped up in the room the entire day and will test again tomorrow. Strange how just standing in a room wears you out so much more than actually working hard. Feel like I'm starting to gain weight again. Really want to get back on my exercise track again. I always feel the difference when I can't exercise.

Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal (not instant), 2 boiled eggs ( 1 egg yolk), green tea, small orange, vitamins
Snack: apple slices
Snack 2: Those orange crackers with peanut butter (packaged). Not even hungry. Just ate them. Pooh!
Lunch: Plain Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries, noodles with veggies and soybeans, tomatoes, water
Snack: walnuts with raisins, water
Dinner: homemade cheese pizza with stuff (zucchini, mushrooms, red onion, black beans, basil, oregano, garlic salt) salad with avacado and orange slices on a bed of mixed leafy greens, water

Frozen pizza with our own
added toppings.

Salad with avacado and oranges

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 205: Insufficient Sleep & Belly Fat

Exercise: None: So tired! Crashed for over 2 hours after work! Still tired now! Need to get back to a regular sleeping pattern.

Unbelieveable. I go to Galveston this past weekend to celebrate how well I've been doing with eating well and exercising and then BAM....I come back and eat like a maniac so far this week! Notice the 2 previous days. There is tons of purple! (items highlighted in purple are the "bad" choices I eat). It really stands out on the blog and helps me to realize why I gained 2 pounds in 2 days! I have no excuse! Better get back on the wagon and quick!

Haven't been getting 8 hours of sleep the past several days. More like 5.5 - 6 hours. Sleep makes a huge difference in losing weight. Your body needs time to recover from the day. Sleeping allows your body to repair itself and a battery! Without sleep, you gain stomach fat. Sometimes people think they are hungry and eat, but the fact is, many of them are just tired and sleepy so they eat to get energy. All they really needs is sleep to get energy.
Below is from an online website: Click here to see the rest of it.

Although the study focused on persons 40 years or younger, the National Sleep Foundation’s own 2003 Sleep in America poll found that older adults are not exempt from the ill-effects of insufficient sleep. Some highlights from the poll were:
  • Inadequate sleep is associated with diabetes in older adults.
  • Sleep problems are common in older adults who are classified as obese or overweight.
Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, 1/4 cup oatmeal, 2 boiled eggs (1 egg yolk)
Snack: apple slices
Lunch: The school supplied us with Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, also had 1/2 of my own chicken sandwich that I brought to work and my Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries.
Snack: small orange
Dinner: Large salad with tomatoes, avacados, little chicken (again), PIZZA. (too tired to cook today)
Our oven is now working again! Horay!

Frozen Cheese Pizza. Ate 3 slices.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 204 Try Smoothies As a Fun Healthy Treat!

Exercise: Ran 3 miles at Memorial Park and walked 2 miles. Ran part of the 4th mile off and on, but my hip kept hurting. Will work back up to 4 miles soon.

Ever enjoy smoothies on a hot day? Love strawberry smoothies. Must watch what you add to them. Most have some added sugar in the syrup. Better to make your own at home with yogurt and fruit. Great for breakfast, snacks or an on the run dinner. Be sure to have some type of protein on the side such as a few nuts. Remember, protein fills you up and keeps you from getting hungry quickly.
Click smoothie recipes.
Click: Smoothie Web

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 1/4 oatmeal (not instant), small orange, green tea.
Snack: apple slices, one bite of a biscut with sausage
Lunch: salmon, mixture of quinoa, black beans, corn, tomatoes, red onion.
Lunch 2!: Teacher brought in lunch and treats! Ground beef with tomatoes, avacados, and 2 big BROWNIES! The stress of testing got to me.  : ( I caved in.
Snack: chicken sandwich with Mayo on multi-grain bread
Dinner: Ate very late. Bran cereal, small orange, ham and cheese sandwich on multi-grain bread/dry, water

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 203: Toastmasters

Exercise: None today! Ran around with too many things to do one after the other today! Visited my old Toastmasters group tonight. Vince and I used to be members of PSST, which is how we met.
Toastmasters is a group that focus on improving one's public speaking and communication skills. It can benefit you in your job or personal life. Since PSST is a "singles" Toastmaster's group, we are no longer members, but we enjoyed our visit yesterday. Nice to see a few of the past members still there. Vince started his own club after we got married. It is within the RICH Club and deals with realestate investment. I was involved for several months, but found it didn't interest me as it does my hubby. I'd rather run at the park or go to the gym!  : )
Felt like I ate bits and pieces of meals. Very busy today. No time to myself. Packed a different lunch today and it proved to be my downfall. Hungry most of the day.

Breakfast: one boiled egg, green tea, some chocolate carnation packaged breakfast drink that was accidently put in the bag at the grocery store. In fact, I have a whole box. Way too much sugar in them. Tastey. Hoping I will have the will power to take them to work in the morning and give them away.

Snack: banana, slice of cheese
Lunch: tuna sandwich on multi-grain bread, apples
Snack: Starving! Not enough lunch. Ate an ice cream sandwich that a parent brought in! Then I ate those crackers with peanut butter that I have in my office for meetings!
Dinner: chicken, mixture of quinoa, kale, black beans, red onions, corn, water
Late Night: chicken sandwich with Mayo!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 202 Galveston Beach Fun!

** Check out Day 197 for my 1/2 way point Healthy Progress Video!

Enjoyed walking along the sandy beach today! Warm sunshine beating down on us. Cool breeze and perfect 70 degree weather. Took only 1 hour to drive to Galveston. This was my celebration of working so hard for 1/2 a year of trying to eat healthy and make regular exercise a part of my normal everyday life. Success so far! The video of my success so far is on day 197.
A little dressed up for the beach, wouldn't you say?
Not getting in the water today. Just strolling around.  

Eating Healthy across from the beach.

Strange to see a train near the beach.

Eating a healthy sandwich at Subway,
but shared a cookie. 

Walking along the beach.

What's with the pole? : )

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with scrambled eggs with kale, green onions, 1/2 avacado and a little picante sauce.
Lunch: Grilled chicken subway sandwich with banana peppers, red onion, spinach leaves, tomatoes, pickles, oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, water, chocolate chip cookie. (the hunger made me get the cookie!)
Dinner: TBA

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 201: Looking For Exercise Bikes

Exercise: Saturday Spin class for 50 minutes. Burned 664 calories. A friend told me today that a great spin workout can be compared to running about 7 miles! Whoa! Seems right to me. I burn 100 calories per mile when I run. Pretty amazing.

Priced some spin bikes today with my buddy Sandia. She is in need of a recumbent bike to help get her knee back in shape. Visted Academy. Saw various models of exercise bikes. Have wanted a Spin bike myself, but after seeing one at the stores I've had second thoughts. The store models are not as sturdy as the gym models. Sure wouldn't be as fun riding a spin bike alone at home anyway. Part of the fun is trying to keep up with the bike fanatics who are more advanced than myself and the loud, motivating music at the gym is a plus.

Later, Sandia and I gorged ourselves at Papasitos! We were celebrating her belated birthday after all so gorging was allowed.  : ) Click Papasitos.

Baja Fish Tacos from Papasito's Mexican Restaurant.
Corn tortillas (which I didn't eat), grilled fish with purple lettuce,
rice and beans, water
 Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with green onion and kale, 1/4 cup oatmeal, peach tea
Snack: unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soy milk
Lunch: see photo
Dinner: TBA

Day 200 T.V. Went Out

Exercise: None on this lazy Friday evening.

Our television decided to no longer turn on. Aren't able to purchase one anytime soon so I decided to fill the time with active activities. What better way to jumpstart a livlier life-style! Can't wait to see what the time will bring starting Monday. Today I was able to get in some Spanish lessons using the software Rosetta Stone instead of watching t.v. I won a lottery at work and the prize was the software. Must do at least 4 hours worth of lessons in about a month or I lose the software. No t.v. anymore so no excuse not to learn Spanish. Hoping to spend more time jogging at the park or doing weights at home or the gym. Time will tell.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal in vanilla soymilk, frozen blueberries, green tea
Snack: few blue corn chips at a meeting (about 140 calories I didn't need)
Lunch: lean beef meat patty, salad with lettuce, tomato and avacado, new frozen entree with noodles and veggies (240 calories), water
Snack: Greek plain yogurt with frozen blueberries and a little blue agave as a sweetner
Dinner: unsweetened cocoa in vanilla soymilk (my version of hot chocolate), peanut butter sandwich, water
Snack: Went to bed after midnight so snacked until them....chips and salsa, cereal, spoon of peanut butter

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 199: Zucchini Brownies

Exercise: Spin class at Ballys for 50 minutes. Burned 664 calories. WooHoo.
Too bad I had lots of DESSERTS today!

I was working off campus today. Didn't make my lunch. Co-worker made the best brownies EVER! Tried a small bite. I was hooked! Had to have more. Ate 2 more servings. Surprised to find out the batch of brownies had not one, but two cups of zucchini in them! Does that make them a vegetable?? Click: Zucchini Brownie Recipe Instead of the oil, she used apple sauce in her recipe. Keep in mind I do not condone this recipe if you are trying to eat healthy. They aren't 100% healthy, but they sure were good. 209 calories. Wow! So I ate just over 418 calories in just 2 small brownies! I really did work out only to burn my desserts. Bummer.

Photo from
 Later I ate a large yellow smiley face cookie at an after school meeting. You would understand why if you knew where they were from. Memorial Bakery! Words can't describe their tastiness. I'm not one for sugar cookies unless they are from Memorial Bakery! Guess I worked so hard at spin class only to burn off those desserts. RATS! Click: Memorial Bakery.

Breakfast: one boiled egg, 1/2 oatmeal (not instant) in vanilla soymilk, green tea, frozen blueberries.
Snack: chocolate brownies.
Lunch: provided by the school district. 1/2 of a chicken salad tortilla wrap with lettuce, tomato, water apple slices
Snack: peanut butter 1/2 sandwich
                                                          Dinner: bean soup with veggies, salmon, water

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

198: Juicey Fast Food Facts!

Exercise: Ran at Memorial Park. Vince said I've really improved on my speed and endurance. Happy to hear that! Ventured out just before 8pm so the weather was cool for a change. Nice.

Picture this. Lunchtime at work. Open the fridge and pull out my lunchbox. No lunch in lunchbox! Remember, I pack lunch the night before. Packed my bean/chicken soup, but forgot to pack the frozen entrees this morning since I'm used to packing at night. Knew soup would not get me through a faculty meeting after work and then a student tutoring session after that. Forced to do the unthinkable. McDonalds! Why must they be a couple blocks from work? At least I was aware of the fact that I didn't want to go there. Disappointed. Others were happy because I brought them McDonalds too. Only purchased the Dr. Pepper because it was the same price as water. Really have lost my taste for DP.

Some fast food facts:
This one is my favorite:

(Random Photo) A person would need to walk
nine miles to burn
off the 923 calories found in Burger King's
Double Whopper with cheese
Breakfast: 4 bites of salmon, 2 boiled eggs (one egg yolk), frozen blueberries, green tea
Snack: Apples, 1/2 peanut butter sandwich
Lunch: .Had McDonalds: quarter pounder burger with cheese, french fries and a Dr. Pepper
Dinner: Bean soup with chicken and mixed veggies, side of tomatoes and 1/2 a carrot, water
Snack: slice of cheese, few almonds, 1/2 grapefruit

Added several beans, quinoa, chicken, mixed
veggies to chicken broth and added spices.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 197: 1/2 Way To My Goal (VIDEO My Progress)

I can't believe it! Still going strong with the blog at my half birthday. October 16th is my birthday, but I began the blog on October 1st. I had just turned 41 and carried some extra weight. Couldn't run far and wasn't active. Time seemed to get away from me. Ate fast food at times. Not cooking healthy meals. Feeling old, yet knew I was still YOUNG! Refused to let age set in. Decided to make a change! Remember, my goal on Day 1 of my blog was to see where I would be health wise in a year and to transform myself into a healthy person that eats well and exercises. I was ready for a life-style change. Let's check out my very first blog: Day 1 below with huge aspirations.

Day 1:
The GOAL: Spend each day doing something that leads to better health. 
                                    Exercise EVERYDAY and eat well. 
                                          Not sure if this is possible!

Isn't that the infamous saying! "I'll start TOMORROW!" I begin my transformation tomorrow after just eating fajitas, tortillas with butter (my fav!) and drinking Dr Pepper (also my fav!). This will be a huge challenge.

I'll be 41 in a couple weeks. What will 42 look like? Will this year of blogging to good health change my life? This blog will be my daily journey to a better me...a healthier me in mind and body. Come along and join me in this transformation. You can do it too!
Now it is Day 197.  Here is a video of my progress up to date.

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs mixed with kale and green onions, 1/4 cup of oatmeal (not instant), frozen blueberries, green tea.
Snack: cheddar cheese crackers. Rats! From a meeting with teachers.
Lunch: salad: lettuce, tomatoes, red onions. Chicken with rosemary, red potatoes, small orange
Snack: plain Greek yogurt with organic strawberries, raw, unsalted almonds
Dinner: Celebrated my 1/2 b-day. Chuy's again. 2 chicken fajita tortilla tacos with guacamole, sour cream, (yes, can you believe that one?), pico de gallo, queso with corn chips, beans, rice, water and about 3 bites of white cake. Chuy's was celebrating their 30th b-day and gave customers cake.  : ) Pretty darn full after that meal.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 196 Memorial Park Tree Video

Exercise: Went to Memorial Park and enjoyed the super breezy weather. Walked 1 mile fast. Ran mile 2 and leisurly walked mile 3.

This past summer was the hottest ever. There were so many days over 100 degrees. Was even over 110 at times. Memorial Park, along with numerous other tress in Houston, suffered great losses. Here is a video of part of the park. Many lush green areas of the park that were filled with trees have changed. You can see debris left on the ground from where the dead trees were cut down. Hoping for a more bearable summer this year!

Breakfast: cereal, 1/2 peanut butter sandwich on multi-grain bread, green tea, 2 strawberries.
Snack: no sugar cocoa in vanilla soymilk
Lunch: extra lean beef patty, salad (lettuce, tomato, red onion), red potatoes with rosemary and extra virgin olive oil, sliced zuccini with salt, pepper, and little olive oil, water, pineapples
Snack: Running late for church so quickly ate a 1/2 ham and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread.
Dinner: Peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread, 3 strawberries, water
Snack: 1/2 grapefruit
Making of lunch

Late Lunch. Vince doesn't eat red meat so I made him
chicken cooked in some garlic and rosemary spices.


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 195: Milled Flax Seed

Exercise: Spin class today for only 20 minutes. Burned 265 calories according to my phone app. Tried the Power Flex class for the first time after spinning. You use hand weights or weights on a bar to do leg and arm exercises with a class. Not too impressed, although it did burn my glutes! Learned a few exercises I can try at home to work that area better.  Burned 287 calories.   Feel like I may have pulled a muscle on my left shoulder blade area a couple days ago. Bothers me a bit.

Starting to use flax seed in my oatmeal. Benefits include:
Click: Ground VS. Milled Flax Seed
Click: Milled Flax Seed

We keep a large bag in the freezer and
use some from a container kept in
the refridgerator. Keep cool.
Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal with flaxseed and a drop of blue agave as a sweetner, 2 eggs, green tea
Snack: vanilla soymilk, no sugar cocoa, 1/2 grapefruit
Late Lunch: sweet potatoes, greenbeans, mixed veggies, chicken with tumeric and garlic powder added, water
Snack: Plain Greek yogurt with pineapples
Dinner: Went to Costco and ended up getting a giant slice of cheese pizza there. Water. 2 bites of Vince's yogurt swirl. Got hungry.
Snack: Went to Walgreens for a new hairdryer and decided, "What the heck. Already ruined things so I might as well as have a candy!" (Bad attitude, hun?) Got some chocolate covered toffee. My favorite. Shared it with Vince so I ate about 120 calories worth.

Day 194: Jonathon's Rub Restaurant

Exercise: None

Enjoyed a quaint lunch with co-workers on Friday. Rarely get to eat off campus so it was nice. Ate outside on a beautiful day. Nice to get away for once. Went to a new place for me called Johnathon's Rub. So close that we all walked there. (Just near Campbell/I 10. South of I 10 near the library) A small restaurant, but well worth it. Pricey if you go for dinner, but a bit better during lunch time. A must try!
Click Jonathon's Rub Restaurant Didn't select the healthiest meal, but they do offer salads, soups and fish meals.

Sweet potato french fries (FRIED!), large grilled chicken sandwich
(white bread!). Water. Ate 1/2 the sandwich at lunch and the other
half for dinner later.

Obviously I could have made a better choice.
Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal with vanilla soymilk, 2 eggs, blueberries, green tea, water.
Snack: cheesestick
Lunch: See photo, water
Dinner: 1/2 sandwich from photo, water
Snack: grapefruit

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 193:

Exercise: Wanted to try a new weight class at Ballys, but got home pretty late. Ended up running 3 miles at Memorial Park in the evening. Great run. Did well on time.
Click: Burn Metabolism Faster

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs (2 whites/1 yolk), 1/4 cup oatmeal, swig of green tea, some frozen blueberries, swig of water.
Snack: apple, few raw almonds
Lunch: dry ham sandwich on multi-grain bread, little Greek plain yogurt with pineapples, cheesestick, plum, water
Snack: rest of the apple slices, rest of the almonds, cantaloupe wedge
Dinner: (too tired to cook) Ham sandwich with little mayo! Rats! Vanilla soymilk with no sugar cocoa.
Snack: little chicken on bed of lettuce, 1 grapefruit
Lots of breakfast. Hard to eat.

Lunch packed for work. Didn't eat the tomatoes after all.

Late night snack.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 192: My Fit Foods

Exercise: None

We had My Fit Food come to our school today. The representative served the teachers a great meal during their lunchtimes. They have a great program! Not only do they have pre-made healthy foods for you, but they will even consult with you and set up a food program designed just for you. You may want to eat foods that will help you lose weight or build muscle or even gain weight. Today, our staff enjoyed the meal called, "Good Morning Sunshine," which combined lean ground turkey, parboiled rice and 5:1 egg whites topped with fresh pico de gallo. Delicious and a bit spicy. They also have items that are designated gluten free meals. If you don't mind the expense, what a great way to relieve the pressure of cooking and packing lunches all the time. The company was started by a workout trainer named Mario. He took his job to the next level and began cooking for his clients in order to help them maintain a healthly lifestyle. Now he owns many My Fit Food stores and is going nationwide as well. Check them out.
My Fit Foods

Breakfast: Wedge of cantaloupe, 1/4 cup oatmeal (not instant), 2 egg whites/1 yolk, green tea, water
Snack: apple slices, few raw almonds
Lunch: broccoli, salmon patty, mixed greens with tomatoes, the Good Morning Sunshine snack, Greek plain yogurt with organic strawberries.
Snack: couple ounces of chicken, cantaloupe wedge
Dinner: Just ended the perricone diet. Too tired of salmon and chicken. Reverted back to my peanut butter sandwhich, vanilla soymilk with no sugar cocoa, small orange, water


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 191 Lost 2 pounds on the Perricone Diet!!

Exercise: Spin class! Thank goodness Meredith goes now because I almost didn't go today. She motivated me to go. Sometimes I just want to relax and not go. Always feel better after I go. Burned 531 calories in 40 minutes. 

Stood on the scale this morning. Lost 2 pounds in one day after eating the suggested food on the Perricone diet! No exercise yesterday either!
Okay...I just ate some peanut butter crackers! Is there no will power!
I'll be honest. This morning before breakfast, I swore to my husband that I was done with the Perricone diet. I was tired of salmon, salmon, salmon! Tired of the chicken! I wanted BREAD and I miss my corn tortilla egg tacos in the morning and my peanut butter sandwiches as snacks! Then I stood on the scale and was motivated. So I tried it again today. I am totally fine with it until after work. By 4pm I start getting hungry, but that is because I don't want to eat my afternoon snack of chicken and cantaloupe! I know if you follow it exactly, you shed the weight.

I passed up tons of snackipoos during a meeting at the administration building today! I was so stuffed from breakfast that I couldn't eat any of it! My brain still wanted to taste it, but my stomach said no way!

Snacks offered at the meeting I attended today. Ate none!
Wooohooo! Celebration.

Breakfast: 3 egg whites and one yolk, 1/4 cup of oatmeal, cantaloup slice, green tea, water (no salmon today!) Couldn't do it!
Snack: apple, few raw almonds
Lunch: salmon, mixed greens, broccoli, tomatoes, water, yogurt with strawberries,
Snack: peanut butter crackers (NOT on the program!) Had a meeting for 4th grade teachers and I had cracker snacks for them. I had to eat some!
Snack: chicken, cantaloup wedge, soy milk hot chocolate (not on the plan).
Dinner: salmon patty on bed of mixed greens, mixed vegetables. (shouldn't have eaten the corn), 1/2 grapefruit, water.
Breakfast this morning. Too full to eat the salmon bites.

Getting breakfast and lunch ready in the morning. Usually
prepare lunch the night before.

Lunch all packed and ready to go. Remember...organization
really helps one stay on track. Make it easy for yourself.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 190 Perricone 3-Day Diet


So excited to begin the Perricone diet! Did it a year ago and it works! You follow a 3 day meal plan, which consists of "real" food (not packaged) and are constantly eating. The weight will be shed if you follow it...I promise. Began this morning. Difficult to eat the entire breakfast. Literally didn't want to eat any more. You must do it. At at 6:50am. Wasn't hungry until 10:30AM. Walked by the teacher lounge at 9am and had no desire whatsoever to eat a slice of the bunny cake on the table. Not thinking of ANY food at all. Just stuffed to the bone. Wait until you try it. Here's the plan: go to the grocery store and purchase all the items needed. If time is an issue, then make your meats the night before as you make your dinner and pack them in a lunchbox in the fridge so all your daily meals and snacks are ready to grab and go in the morning. That is a must for me!

The Pericone diet is supposed to help your cells lose inflamation and help you lose weight by eating real foods. We all have imflamation when we eat inflamatory foods. Once you begin eating non-inflamatory foods like salmon, avacados, nuts, fruits, vegetables, you will be amazed how much thinner you look and feel. Imagine there is inflamation in every cell in your body. Then imagine it all goes away. In my mind, it is like you "deflate." Your body becomes what it should be.

3 Day Plan

3 day plan

Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal (not packaged) with water/little soymilk, slice of cantaloup, one strawberry, 2 eggs (one with only egg white), water, a few bites of salmon, green tea
Snack: Finally at 10:30...few almonds, 1/2 apple (not hungry)
Lunch: Wasn't hungry until 12:25pm: 1/2 salmon on mixed greens with little olive oil and lemon juice, yogurt and some strawberries, water
Snack: Wedge of cantaloupe, 3oz of chicken, 5 almonds
Dinner: Hungry by 5pm, but still working. Salmon, broccoli, tomatoes (not on the list), water
Snack: about to have a piece of fruit. Supposed to have chicken again, but I'm so tired of meat!
Huge Breakfast!

Lunch outside on the picnic tables.

More Lunch: Strawberries and plain yogurt.
Yogurt not actually on the Perricone 3 day plan.

Dinner: Ran out of mixed greens.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 189 Easter Sunday

Exercise: Leisure walk at Memorial Park. Stuffed from eating out. Trying to walk the meal off a bit. Legs still quite sore from my run Friday and from adding a lot more resistance to the bike at Spin class on Saturday.

Far away photo so you can see how large the tree is.
Actually taken at a park in River Oaks before we went
to Memorial Park. I love big trees.
Today was Easter Sunday. We had some plans to drive to the beach (Galveston) after church, but ended up waking up way too late. It threw off the entire schedule. Takes over an hour and a half just to get there. Plan B was to go to Brehnam to see the bluebonnets, but we learned the Bluebonnet Festival is next weekend so we decided we may go then. Plan C was to hang out at the Waterwall again. Ended up just going to Chuy's Mexican Restaurant and devouring 2 fajita tacos. Even went to Baskin & Robins after for some chocolate fudge ice-cream. 
Where's the will power?

Tonight I decided to do the Pericone 3 -Day Diet starting tomorrow. We went to the grocery store and purchased the needed items. I did it once before and lost 3 pounds in 3 days. It is pretty amazing. You eat so much that you don't even want to eat anymore, but you have to. Specific details to come tomorrow.

Breakfast: one boiled egg, green tea
Snack: bit of salmon
Late Lunch/Early Dinner: chicken fajitas with rice and bean, guacamole, cheese, sour cream, corn chips and queso, water.(it was all bad).
Night snack: 1 whole grapefruit, spoonful of plain Greek yogurt, about 5 unsalted raw almonds

Chuy's Mexican Restaurant

Vince at Chuy's