Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 9 New Recipe on Video: Sweet Potatoes, Asparigus, and ICE-CREAM

Healthy day today, but have plans to ruin it with ice-cream later. Premeditated for sure.

Tried a new recipe and loved it!

So many to choose from!

 Ice- cream does NOT get rid of headaches as I thought!
Ate a double chocolate browning sundae with hot fudge and

...and here it is



  1. Trish.

    Dear Trish. You know that I love you, right? :-)

    It appears, Dear Trish, that you're seeking out opportunities to cheat so that you can post cute pictures of you cheating on the blog!

    Today has been a stressful day - so 7 (maybe 8) pieces of Hershey's chocolate nugget thingies. It's 8:30, still at work, and have another hour or two before we're done and we can leave. So I figure it's justified today because I need it just to get through.

    :-) Kimberly

  2. LOL! I'm chuckling because I think you are right! I rarely eat all these desserts! Thanks for the words of wisdom.

    I hate knowing you are at work for so long! Hang in there.
