Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 3 Meatballs and Cookies

My husband went to Costco and got a bit carried away with the sweet potatoes!

ALMOST had a perfect day today! Great breakfast, snacks and lunch, but then my friend Sherrie came over for dinner. She brought pasta with meatballs. I fixed some veggies and grapes. Then she whipped out a big chocolate chip cookie. At least we shared it.

Breakfast: corn tortilla, spinach leaves and boiled egg. Frozen raspberries and green tea.

Packing my lunch in the morning is always stressful. I usually try to have it ready to go the night before. Plain greek yogurt, carrots, apples, grapes, leftovers from last night (salmon, veggies, quinoa), and an almond butter sandwich in case I'm starving after work. Nothing really exciting to report today. Not craving "bad" foods today.

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