Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 5 Pizza and Knitting

My lack of organizing food for the day proved to be my demise!
Woke up before 6am to attend my first knitting class before work! Yep, knitting...that's another blog.

Breakfast: corn tortilla, egg, spinach leaves, green tea.  No time for fruit.  : (
No morning snacks.
Left by 11:30am  to attend something.
Lunch on the run: part of an almond butter sandwich.
3:00pm Ran to Central Market and ordered a whole pizza with my husband.
5:30pm La Madeliene's with friend. Not hungry. Ate chocolate dessert cup and a bowl of fruit with hot tea.

Exercise 7:30pm: 3 mile walk at Memorial Park

I really thought writing a blog would make me eat great everyday. Beginning to question if the blog will help me at all! Losing faith in it. Will try again tomorrow.

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