Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 27: My Husband Cooked Dinner

Can't figure out how to allow people to post. It worked before and then I changed the settings. Will try again.
Given Dove chocolate at work. Refrained from stuffing my face, but did enjoy 3 of them!

Breakfast: Boiled egg, green tea, some bites of left over tuna w/mayo.
(thank goodness I'm just about out of the mayo!)
Lunch: tuna sandwich on whole grain round breads, 8 hazelnuts.
Snack: 1 whole carrot (large), plum, one bite of a ghost cookie.
                                                       Dinner: My hubby made salmon with spices, sweet potato and
                                                       some broccoli/greenbeans, water
                                                       Late: Some tea

Really missing going to Ballys and/or jogging at the park. Need to feel better though! Not a 100% yet.

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