Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 16: Bosu Ball Exercise Video

Check out these great exercises you can do in the comforts of your own home:

Here is a pick of leftovers from my b-day celebration. It was my lunch today as well and will be tomorrow again!
At least I ran almost 2 miles at Ballys today.

Breakfast: the norm and green tea, some apple slices
Snack: some grapes and rest of apple
Lunch: lasagna
While preparing candy for a work presentation tomorrow, I gave in and at 2 small Hershey candies!
Dinner: Had to wait until almost 7:30 to eat dinner (7 hours after lunch!) and starving! Ate 2 of the biscuts I was baking for tomorrow's presentation! RATS!
Dinner: chicken with spices, sweet potatoes, zuccini, squash, red peppers.
Always water.

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