Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 22 Tofu and a New Breakfast...Finally

Wonderful Day! Feeling GREAT! Did some weights at Ballys.

The pasta looks gross, but is okay.
I put the tofu in the pasta so I wouldn't
taste it too much. My hubby put it on
his salad. Also, add walnuts & rasins to the salad.
 Dinner: Not sure I was ready for the "tofu thing" and I can't say I'm too excited about it.  The video  and pic shows the interesting food my husband was preparing when I arrived home.

Tried something new for breakfast. Attempted to make an egg omlette, but discoverd I can't. Hence, the scrambled eggs. Added in last nights ingredients (onions, red bell peppers, corn, spinach leaves). YUM! Little salmon on the side and a few slices of green apple.
Green tea of course.

Snack: 6 hazelnuts, my no sugar cocoa hot chocolate with vanilla soy milk.
Lunch on the run: Almond butter sandwich and a small orange.

Dinner Video Explanation...

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