Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 296

Exercise: None. Got home late from work and laid around with an annoying headache. How pathetic is that?! Also, Vince really wanted to watch a movie so we did that instead.

Looking at my blog lately I can see the poor change in my diet. More desserts again, fast meals that aren't as healthy. It is all because I started back at work this week and work long hours to make up for not working on Fridays during the summer. Tired too. These should not be excuses though. I just need to get back into planning. Planning is the key. Plan the meals, freeze some meals, plan my workout days and routines, buy more groceries, cook some meals.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 oatmeal, frozen blueberries, green tea
Snack: strawberries
Lunch: Egg rolls, quinoa/brown rice mixture with mixed veggies and broccoli
Dinner: Subway sandwich: grilled chicken on wheat bread with sweet onion sauce and spicey mustard, spinach leaves, red onions, olives, banana peppers, tomatoes, pickles and cucumbers, water
Snack: plain Greek yogurt, frozen blueberries, strawberries
Snack: popcorn popped on the stove.

The eggrolls are not healthy. We made them for an event
yesterday and had left overs.

Subway Sandwich

If you happen to count calories,
you can find some healthier
choices at Subway.

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