Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 291 Shopping For Healthy Food

Exercise: None

After a long trip you find yourself with absolutely NOTHING in the fridge when you return. Made a Costco run today. Invisioned making many healthy, colorful meals to come so I bought quite a bit to stock up. Lots of colorful fruits and veggies. Still need to go to Kroger to buy some other veggies like squash, zucchini and onions.

My grocery cart at Costco. Love
all this healthy food!

Breakfast: oatmeal in soymilk and
frozen blueberries.


Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal, frozen blueberries, green tea

Lunch: 1/2 Wild Alaskan Salmon, snowpeas, corn, broccoli, red and yellow bell peppers, quinoa, water

Snack: red, juicey strawberries, water

Snack: soymilk with
unsweetened cocoa, small orange

Dinner: salad

Mixed leafy greens, snowpeas, bell peppers, grape tomatoes,
carrots, little cheese, canned salmon, basil, thyme, salt,
olive oil, water

Late Snack: popcorn popped on stove, and peanut butter sandwich very late.

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