Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 285: Videos Of Vince's House & Yuengling Beer Tour

Exercise: walked and jogged 4 miles this morning. Later walked 1 mile to go to dinner.

We had several visitors today. Vince's friends from Penn State University were in town. His college roommate, Chuck and his wife Francis went to the Yuengling Brewery Tour with us. Vince's mom and I made not so healthy enchiladas for them. Later, Vince and I walked to a pizza restaurant to meet his friends Tom and wife Connie. Hence, the reason I did a lot of walking/jogging this morning!!

I really feel like I have worked hard on this trip to eat healthy (except for today when we had visitors!). I have done without many of the things I usually crave at home and feel great. I've exercised a lot and even lost a couple pounds. How about that! Starting to feel like this really is a way of life for me and not a diet. I want to put real foods in my system, not fake foods with too much fat or empty calories. Hope I still feel this way when we get back home.

Some videos of Vince's parents house just before my morning jog.

Old photograph of Vince's Parent's home back in the day.
Vince said they don't show the 3rd story because that was
the maid's quarters back them. Sure was different back then. 
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg and green tea before my jog.
Snack: oatmeal, blueberries.
Lunch/Dinner: Enchiladas, salad, lemonade, water, corn chips and little guacamole.
Late Dinner: 1 slice cheese pizza, salad, water
Snack: wheat crackers with some cheese.

Above my head just at the top of this
pic is his parent's home on this mural
in the brewery.  There is a larger version outside
somewhere in the city, but I can't
remember where. It must be weird to
have your home displayed in places.
Vince says it is no big deal and he
thinks nothing of it. It is just home to him. 

At the brewery. I was a nerd and got
rootbeer since I don't drink alcohol.
Bad for your body and makes me feel
 Enchilada Recipe: 
Bowl 1: can of nacho cheese campbell soup. Mix in 1/2 cup milk (we use soy milk). 
Bowl 2: medium 1 cup picante sauce with cut up cooked chicken. Mix 2 tablespoons of the cheese from the above bowl in it too. 
The chicken mixture goes in the tortillas. Roll the tortillas up. We first spread some plain Greek yogurt on the tortillas instead of sour cream. 
We use corn tortillas, but the recipe calls for flour tortillas. Flour tastes better too. 
Pour the cheese sauce on top of the rolled up tortillas.
Sprinkle lots of shredded cheese on top. 
Top it with small pieces of cut tomatoes, avacados, olives. 
Add little picante and greek yogurt dolups in the center for decoration. 
Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. 

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