Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 143: Spin Class! WoooHoooo!

Exercise: Got the high from Spin class today! Love pushing myself to the limit on the cycle. Burned 398 calories in 30 minutes.

My meeting after school had tempting snacks for everyone. Ate 2 chocolate chip cookies and even a bag of Fritos. Bummer. On my way to another school this morning I picked up a tall hot chocolate (no whip) from Starbucks! Way too many bad choices today. Hopefully will do better tomorrow. Glad to be exercising again.

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with 1 egg, green tea
Snack: 1/2 apple
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich on whole grain round breads, rest of the apples, water, small orange
Snack: all the bad choices seen above
Dinner: fabulous salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, mixed greens, apple cider vinegar and olive oil, homemade soup with chicken, black beans, broccoli, quinoa.
Dessert: about to have some frozen blueberries and raspberries.

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