Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 129 Car Fire At Work!

Exercise: Ran 1.5 miles and walked 20 minutes fast on the tredmill. Burned 292 calories. 

How does a car fire connect with healthy eating? It doesn't, but it is a great story!  : )

I was at car rider duty this morning assisting students getting out of their cars.
A teacher (Kate) in front of me yelled, “There is a fire under that car!” I turned.
In what seemed like slow motion I saw flames under an SUV and kids all the way down the car drive walking towards it. Then we realized all the cars  were stuck, jam packed in line behind the burning vehicle with nowhere to go.
As Kate and I barreled down the car drive waving our arms in the air motioning kids to turn around and get out of the way, the entire front of the car erupted in flames and smoke was bellowing from all directions.
Yelling at students to go in the building through another entrance, I screamed (felt like screaming anyway) on the walkie-talkie, “There is a car on fire in the car rider line! Call the fire department. We need to get the kindergarten kids out of the building!” (which was no more than 3 feet from the car rider wing. There was no response. I could just see people standing in the office trying to comprehend what I just said.

In my mind I envisioned the SUV blowing up with all the kids around! I yelled it again and I now tried to get parents out of the car rider lane. Finally they were each able to turn around and get out.
After just a few minutes the fire trucks pulled up to the vehicle that was already engulfed in fire and flames.
No one was injured.

If you are wondering about the people in the burning vehicle I have no clue about that. Apparently I just ran right past it toward all the kids. Kate on the other hand ran to the burning car, thrust open the door, pulled the little boy out and told the grandmother to get out because her car was on fire! Thank goodness for Kate! 

Breakfast: 1 corn tortilla with one boiled egg with mixed leafy greens, green tea
Snack: part of a carrot, apple slices
Lunch: glutten free spaghetti pasta with canned chicken, black beans, broccoli and can diced tomatoes and green chilies, water, peanut butter sandwich on round multi-grain bread (which was supposed to be my snack for later)
Snack: 2 kellogs dark chocolate granola bars. Woops. 110 calories each.
Dinner: 1/2 avacado, bean soup with quinoa, chicken and broccoli, little glutten free pasta with tomatoes, small orange, water


  1. Wow, that is a great story! Good team work with your coworker to keep everyone safe! :-)

  2. I agree! Good teamwork - you both did what needed to be done.
