Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 132: Setting Goals Again!

This blog is for Saturday even though the date states Sunday.

Exercise: Finally went to Spin class again. Not feeling 100% today and found it quite difficult. Did manage to stay for 40 minutes though. Burned about 540 calories.

Click on Goal Setting

Speaking of goal setting I didn't do well today!
Had an open house today for the townhome we are trying to rent out. Baked chocolate chip cookies for the perspective tenants. Ate 5 of them! I can see myself slowly slipping back off track. It just creeps up on you! First I stopped exercising several times a week. My excuse is my newly busy schedule. Since I'm not exercising as much, my food choices are not as good. My excuse is that I'm too tired now to cook better meals. I see it happening. I've got to make an effort to do my best and exercise again no matter what! I know I can get back on track! When you fall off, you must get back on right?

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas, 2 eggs and green tea.
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich, lots of cookies
Dinner: Whataburger! Yep. Starving after our open house. The small hamburger (junior) with small fries and water.
Later that evening: some mixed veggies, water, raspberries.

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