Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 142: McDonalds Dinner

Exercise: NONE

Tutored students after work and then showed the townhome we are trying to rent. Home late. Drove to nearby McDonalds and purchased a fattening dinner.

Starving today and yesterday soon after lunch and before lunch. Wondering if my change in eating pasta has something to do with it. Ate pasta both days for lunch. Not filling for me. Need more protein and missing my Greek yogurt. No time to buy any the next couple days. Very busy after work these days.

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with egg, green tea
Snack: apple slices
Lunch: tiny bit of left over salmon, pasta with veggies, mixed veggies, water, few pieces of baked potato.
Snack: peanut butter sandwich on round multi-grain bread, water
Dinner: McDonalds: burger, fries and a Dr. Pepper. Not happy with my choice of dinner today.
No time to cook lunch for tomorrow.

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