Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 130 Ate An Entire Pizza!

Exercise: Planned on it until after work. Realized I didn't have my workout clothes. Out late so I decided to head to Lowe's and purchase lots of potted plants for our townhome open house this weekend. Home by 7pm, but starving. Not able to workout today. Missed Spin class. : (

Breakfast: 2 corn tortillas with one egg and mixed leafy greens, green tea
Snack: apple slices, 1/2 carrot, handful of cocoa powdered almonds
Lunch: glutten free pasta with canned chicken, chopped tomatoes and chilies, broccoli, water
Snack: peanut butter sandwich
Dinner: An entire thin crust frozen pizza!! 750 calories! I can't believe it. If I had gone to spin class I would have burned almost all those calories! Tired, hungry and just needed to make something easy. Mushroom and spinach pizza.

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