Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 366 Last Day of the Journey to Better Health Blog

After reading this blog check out my new 2013 blog.

I'd like to first say thank you to my wonderful husband who has supported me through this entire year of blogging! Yes, it has taken up some of our time most nights. He has been a positive and willing participant in all the videos and picture taking. I asked him once why he doesn't often read my blog and his comment was, "Because I live it." So true. Thank you Vince for being such a great sport for 366 days! Thank you for being the one to teach me to eat better. Thank you for all the healthy meals you cook for me sometimes. You inspired me to live a healthier life-style. I love you!

When I started one year ago, I knew I wanted a change! I was ready. I wanted to be 42 and healthy. 42 is just around the corner and I'm healthy! Some people laughed and still do at the fact that I have this blog. They don't understand the meaning it has in my life. This blog changed my life. I am no longer the same person as a year ago! I am stronger, more confident, have more energy, better hair and nails, eat vegetables now, don't drink or even crave Dr. Pepper (huge success!), have run a 5 and 10K non-stop (amazing!), no longer get moody, enjoy cooking recipes, seek out organic and good foods and so much more. Exercise and eating healthy is not longer a struggle. It is a huge part of who I am.

Here is my last video: (be sure to scroll all the way down)

Breakfast: organic, cage free eggs with organic spinach.
Also had 1/4 cup oatmeal with flaxseed and organic
frozen blueberries.

Snacks for the day. Don't like bananas,
but can eat them if I am very hungry.
Didn't eat the apple after all.

Didn't cook dinner last night so I had no lunch made.
Vince picked up Quizno's for me and took it to me for lunch.

Dinner: chicken, black beans, green beans and broccoli, salad
with carrot, tomatoes, avacado, red onion, feta cheese, spinach leaves, water

Halloween decor in the neighbor's yard. LOL
I have some of my favorite posts that either make me laugh or are memorable:

**All time favorite posts: Day 275-290: Road Trip Across America (July Posts)
Day 14: Kayaking (October Post)
Day 16: Exercising 
Day 28: Funeral: First Time to Run 4 Miles Ever
Day 53 Turkey Trot (November Post)
Day 129 Car Fire (February Post)
Day 197: 1/2 way point in blog (April Post)
Day 218: Video of Spin Class (May Post) (Spin changed the shape of my legs!)
Day 237: Corpus Christi Visit (May Post)
Day 266: Vince's Ugly Birthday Cake (June Post)

I also enjoyed making the recipe videos and the exercise videos. Yes! I know how corny they all are. 
How do you stop doing something you so enjoy? Sniff. It will be strange to not blog tomorrow. 
I truly hope my blog has inspired you to get healthy too. You CAN do it! Make the change now! I will never quit striving to be healthy. 
Signing off people. Thanks for reading.  : )
Trish Schappell 

PS. Here is my very first blog post back in 2011: I DID IT!!  : )

October 1: Starting Tomorrow

The GOAL: Spend each day doing something that leads to better health.
                                    Exercise EVERYDAY and eat well.
                                          Not sure if this is possible!

Isn't that the infamous saying! "I'll start TOMORROW!" I begin my transformation tomorrow after just eating fajitas, tortillas with butter (my fav!) and drinking Dr Pepper (also my fav!). This will be a huge challenge.

I'll be 41 in a couple weeks. What will 42 look like? Will this year of blogging to good health change my life? This blog will be my daily journey to a better me...a healthier me in mind and body. Come along and join me in this transformation. You can do it too! 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 365, but 1 more day to go due to LEAP YEAR!

Exercise: Ran/Walked 3 miles at Memorial Park this evening. So easy to run in the cooler weather!! I'll surely be ready for the  Firefly Run: 5K or 10K on November 3rd!! Woohooo! Can't wait.

THIS IS NOT THE LAST DAY OF THE BLOG!! DUE TO LEAP YEAR THIS YEAR, I HAVE ONE MORE DAY! Video will be posted tomorrow. A little sniffly thinking that the end is so near. Sniff, Sniff.

Great news! I weighed in at 128 today. I did it. I met my exact goal! More details about all that on my last day tomorrow!

Taco truck parks at my school every Wednesday.
Since it started coming last year, I have never...I repeat...
never purchased one! Yay!
I grew up eating breakfast tacos in Corpus Christi, Texas!
In fact, it was quite a regular occurrence. My mom even made
homemade tortillas. My dad would cook Migas for breakfast too.
Wow...the food sure was good, but if I still ate like that I would
be very unhealthy.

Taco truck up close. I hear the fruit they sell is very good.

Breakfast: calabaza squash mixed in organic eggs, oatmeal,
frozen blueberries, green tea

Too tired to cook last night. I like to
cook my lunch for the next day when
I cook dinner, but it didn't happen.
Made a quick run to Quizno's for
lunch. Selected a healthy sandwich
with a vinegrette dressing (just a little)

At my favorite place this evening: Memorial Park. Out for a run!
Love it!!!

Some people have little exercise groups at the park.
 I can't wait to share some things tomorrow!  :)

Day 364 Random Photos

Tuesday's Blog
Exercise: Walked 1 mile fast pace.

Random Photos below...

This is the milled flaxseed we put in our oatmeal or
yogurt. There are some strange little black things in it
from time to time. I take them out because I swear they
are bugs, but Vince says they are just part of the
flaxseed and not bugs. Hmmmm. I'm not taking any
chances. Lots of fiber in flaxseed.

Let me make fun of Vince's breakfast if I may. Yes, I agree. It is
VERY healthy. Number 1: I hate bananas. Number 2: Frozen
blueberries mixed in oatmeal looks like vomit. It's a fact.
Not sure how he can eat it.

These are our new organic, cage
free chicken eggs. Not sure I
taste any difference. Okay, I don't.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, green tea
Snack: organic gala apple slices
Lunch: gluten free noodles, broccoli, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, water
Snack: watermelon
Snack: small orange
Dinner: Peanut Butter sandwich. (beyond tired and stayed on the couch all evening and didn't cook a thing)

Day 363 Shopping At Costco

Monday's Blog
Exercise: Ran/Walked 3 miles at Memorial Park. 

Beautiful cooler weather this evening! Ran into some of Vince's friends at the park and saw a previous co-worker of mine. Everyone is out enjoying the cooler weather.

Ever been to COSTCO? If Vince had a choice he would live there! You can save lots of money by purchasing items in bulk. They have lots of great organic fruits and vegetables as well.
Costco Link. Vince is a Costco fanatic for sure. He has me pretty hooked as well.

Our favorite place to buy organic groceries in bulk!

In case you are not familiar
with Costco. It is like a huge

Every time I see these bears I imagine myself getting a good
running start and then hoisting myself in the middle of them!
Come know you want to too!

Great variety of fresh fruits. The freezer is frigid though.
Enter at your own risk!

organic veggies

What? You didn't know they sold jewelry at Costco?
My husband actually bought my engagement ring at
Costco without my knowledge. Really!
....and I LOVE my ring believe it or not.

Our Greek yogurt and coconut milk

Yes, Vince even buys his clothes as Costco!
Did I mention you can get lots of food samples
to try at Costco. Vince's favorite pasttime!  : )

I want these EVERY time I am at
Costco!! Will never buy them, but
oh how I want them.

blueberries and Greek

salmon and quinoa

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/2 cup oatmeal, green tea, frozen blueberries in plain Greek yogurt Snack: dried peas, water, plum
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, quinoa, broccoli, watermelon, water
Snack: cookie someone put in my box. Rats!
Snack: peanut butter sandwich around 5pm.
Ran/Walk at the Park
                                                     Dinner: gluten free noodles with mushrooms, broccoli and sweet   
                                                      potatoes on the side around 8:30pm

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 362 Galveston Beach Fun

Exercise: Rode goofy 2 person bike at Galveston. I pedaled for 30 minutes and Vince pedaled for 30 minutes. 

Had a blast at Galveston. Made a video to post for my last day coming up VERY soon! I can't believe 365 days is almost here! Time sure flies when you are having fun.

I dared to wear a bikini, but still wore my shorts!
Maybe next year! Funny, when Vince and I
went to Greece a few years ago, we noticed
everyone had skimpy bikinis and no one cared!
We can be so modest here in the US. 

Our Exercise: Vince and I rode a 2 seater bike down
the seawall for 1 hour. Fun! Had a couple near

We shared this foot long
subway sandwich.

Vince clowning around.

The new Galveston attractions: carnival rides and more.
We didn't go in because I get motion sickness
easily so no point in being around rides. 
Pleasure Pier in Galveston

I love how Subway prints the calories and fat grams
of their sandwiches. 


Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/2 cup oatmeal with milled faxseed, green tea, frozen blueberries.
Lunch: Subway sandwich: grilled chicken, tomatoes, cucumber, banana peppers, pickles, spinach leaves, black olives, slither of mayo, water and cookie.
Dinner: peanut butter sandwich, watermelon, water
Snack: About to have unsweetend cocoa in organic coconut milk.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 361 Air Popcorn Machine

Exercise: Missed spin class due to a work meeting. Haven't been to spin in so long. Sure miss it. I remember going several times a week last winter and Spring. Hope to do that again soon. 

Vince in the process of making us
salads for dinner. 
Vince pulled out his old air popper from storage. What fun it was! The idea is to make popcorn without any oil. Good idea since vegetable oil and canola oil has GMOs. We are going to try using grapeseed oil soon hoping that is healthy.
Vince popping our air popcorn. Quick, easy and fun!

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal with milled flaxseed, green tea, frozen blueberries
2nd Breakfast: At a work event where breakfast was served: scrambled eggs and 2 sausage links, water, orange juice.Late Lunch: Ate out: chicken fajitas in tortillas with beans, few corn chips with salsaLate Dinner: salad, water

Day 360 Working Late and Bad Food Choices Today

Friday's Blog

Exercise: Walked briskly for 1 mile

Worked really late today so I saved my snacks for late afternoon/evening.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal with milled flaxseed in organic coconut milk
Snack: none
Lunch: Forgot my lunch today! Made a bad choice: Whataburger with cheese, water
Snack: apple, dried peas
Snack: plum, Oreo cookies
Snack: pear
Later Dinner: sweet potatoes, broccoli, chicken, salad, butter bread

Snacks at work. Didn't eat the carrot.

Starving by lunchtime and forgot
my lunch. Made a run for a

Veggies, little chicken and salad for dinner.
Thanks to Vince for cooking AGAIN!

Been working on several projects causing a bit of havoc
in my office. Stayed late or organize everything. I'm the
type of person that is usually so organized that I even organize
my closet by clothes category and by color.
You can imagine how my office was bugging me.
So I ate some Oreo cookies! Ahhhhh!
Office is organized again.  : )

Ate 1 Oreo cookie package.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Post 359: Sardines!

Exercise: None. Got home at 7:30pm.

More info on sardines tomorrow.....
I came home from work and
was starving. Vince was sweet
to have a sardine sandwich
waiting my arrival. I ate it, but
won't again. 

Vince bought these as if I would eat them!!! I remember the
heavy horrible stench of sardines from childhood. My dad used
to eat them on the couch. I hated it. LOL


Watermelon again as a snack. Yum!!

Day 358 Eat Sprouted Bread

Thursday's Blog

Exercise: Ran/Walked 3 miles at Memorial Park this evening.

I've discovered sprouted bread! Read about the benefits of eating Sprouted Bread.

One slice of bread as a snack...on the go.
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1/4 cup oatmeal, frozen blueberries, green tea
Snack: none today...busy
Lunch: 1/2 salmon, sweet potato, zucchini, water
Snack: Can't remember what I ate yesterday.  : (
Dinner: See below.
So busy tonight and no time to cook dinner. I hate eating chips,
but Vince had some organic corn chips. You know I'm worried about
all the GMOs in corn, but Vince claims organic corn isn't as bad. 

I was also worried about the canola oil,
but Vince said since it is organic,
it won't be bad. Hmmmm, need to
do some research on all this.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 357 Frustrated A Bit!

Exercise: None. Toastmasters tonight and had some work to do.

Learning about GMO (Genetically Modifed Foods) bugs me. Seems most foods are bad to eat. It is frustrating  to spend so much money on expensive non GMO items.
I realized today that I have to get rid of the corn tortillas I eat all the time! GMOs! I was irritated at that discovery so I drove to Whataburger last night!! Can you believe that?

Do I just put things in perspective, do my best and go on with life eating GMO foods or do I really make an effort to change again and revamp everything I eat? I started this blog almost a year ago with the intention to be "better/healthier" in one year. Until recently I thought I had accomplished that goal and was proud and happy. Now with this new knowledge of GMOs, I feel I am back to square one....lacking the knowledge of how to eat properly and not eating the proper foods in order to maintain a healthy life-style. I'll figure it out.

My new goal will be to find organic non-GMO foods, organic restaurants, and to make new recipes etc that won't break my budget! Maybe that will be my next blog! Feeling better already.  : )

Here is a new recipe I think I will try. Makes many servings so I like that! I'll leave out the sour cream for sure!!
New Recipe I've been looking for recipes that will make several servings so I can freeze them and eat them later in the week. Trying to get organized better so I don't have to constantly prepare lunches and dinners.

Now eating organic cage free eggs
and drinking vanilla coconut milk.
All Trader Joe's label foods have
no GMOs!  : )

This is why I drink green tea.

Organic flaxseed. Great to add to
your oatmeal or yogurt. Lots of

Salad for Dinner

Dinner: wild caught salmon
and sweet potatoes

Love enjoying watermelon as a snack.

Breakfast: organic brown free roaming eggs (should I start raising my own chickens??) LOL, 1/4 cup oatmeal with organic flaxseed and organic vanilla coconut milk, green tea
Snack: banana, low fat cottage cheese, water
Lunch: peanut butter sandwich on organic bread, apple slices, carrot, water
Snack: plum
Dinner: salad, salmon, sweet potato, water
Snack: watermelon